Living Connected

Living Connected is a social business created to address  a social need as well as operating in a socially responsible manner. Social businesses  combine  business know-how with the desire to improve quality of life.
Our core business is the Living Connect Program for people who remain living at home as they age but are becoming increasingly isolated from family and community. The program is aimed at those who would like help in setting up  a computer and ongoing help to use it to remain connected and active.

We can also help groups of seniors in life-style villages or residential care to set up and run Computer Kiosks. With regular classes and meetings these groups can support each other in developing the capability to enrich their lives using modern technology.

We also run training classes for volunteers that can provide ongoing support to participants in the LC Program and at Computer Kiosks.

This program is based on research summarised on this blog and published in this journal.

For more information please contact us:
phone: 0419403699